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Messages posted by: levy  XML
Profile for levy -> Messages posted by levy [308] Go to Page: Previous  1, 2, 3 ... 16, 17, 18 , 19, 20, 21 Next 
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Hi Björn

In the last CC version, I didnt find the customization of asynch upload. Still to come?

Daniel (<-- verified signature)

I have a request concerning calendar field. Lets look at it in the demo workplace:
1. Start the workpage "Date Input"
2. Popup the calendar with hours and minutes
3. choose a day
--> Hours and minutes are initialized with current time

How can I avoid this initialization? I our business case, it isn't meaningful. We would like to initialize with 00:00.


CaptainCasa wrote:
Hi Daniel,

I think the best solution is if the asynch upload can be customized to invoke a normal server side call (i.e. action listener) is called after having finished the upload. Then the UI can sync on its own, no timer/refresh button is requiered. The effort on our side is quite low for this. 

This would be absolutely great!

CaptainCasa wrote:

Own message in this dialog... - maybe I should understand your scenario a bit better. Could you explain what your sequence of steps for the user is/should be? Thanks! 

This was just trying a workaround. If you implement your best solution above, no need for "own message in this dialog".

CaptainCasa wrote:

"Abberchen", thanks + already fixed with this week's update. 

I tried every time not to notice it, but it catched always my eyes...

Hi Björn,

With synch upload it works already: The (uploaded) information is immediately rendered after upload. But I must use async upload because the files are quite large and I have memory problems with synch upload.

Although not elegant, it could be sufficient for my purposes to induce the user to push the refresh button after upload is finished. Is it possible to make the window "Übertragung zum Server" customizable in order to write a specific message in it? By the way, the push button text is mispelled (Abberchen). In second thoughts, this wouldnt be nice if the file is small: short time to read the message. Is it possible to advance an OK-Popup (or generally send an action event) when upload button is pressed, before upload starts? Perhaps I could do this myself, embedding the upload button in a popup window?



I the demo workplace, there is noticed for the asynchronous upload: "Of course you could use a timer component as well for regular checking if the file upload has finished."

(How) can I activate the timer only during the upload?


For the file chooser window, the current behaviour when opening it is that it starts "somewhere" in a default directory, presumably taken from some system registry. I would like to be able to initialize the top field "search in" respectively the field filename above fileextensions (which we can already initialize). Could you support this?


In the meantime, the feature is released...

I am also interested in uploading files close to the mentioned range. I have tried to upload a file of size 65mb. I have taken the example of the demo workplace with the variant StreamContent. At the very end of the byte count, the red message "Java heap space" is written.

What heap space is meant? The client JRE one or the server Tomcat one? I have increased both (-Xmx1280m in applet parameter and in startserver.bat) and also set compression="force" for the Connector element in server.xml without improvement. Can you actually now upload files >140mb? What are your tuning experiences and recommendations?

Regards, Daniel

I have set maxPostSize=0 and now it works for files a bit bigger than 1024KB. My biggest success was 2.42 MB, but 6 MB failed.

However, I intend to upload much larger files and I have now noticed the feature "asynchronous upload" recently published!

So I change to the subject "async upload".


I am testing with the original demo workplace coming with the last CC version, including tomcat. So web.xml and web.xml_template are identical, and in server.xml there is no maxPostSize attribute set. In the server log, there is nothing suspect.

Is it right that in your demo workplace you can upload a file of size 1025 KB succesfully?

Hi Björn,

I have tried again and now it works, no more error messages. Sorry for disturbance.

Our users are now delighted, thank you.

I have installed the new version. As soon as I set the attribute fileselectionmode in the editor, the following errors arise:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /casedetail_ZZZZZ_1243321838724.jsp(225,0) Attribute fileselectionmode invalid for tag filechooser according to TLD
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /casedetail_ZZZZZ_1243321918937.jsp(225,0) Unable to find setter method for attribute: fileselectionmode.

Either I have installed something wrong or perhaps something is missing in the new CC version?


I am most interested in what happened finally. I have experimented with the tree option "Upload single/multiple files" in Demo Workplace:

1. upload single file at most 1024 KB
--> success
2. upload single file at least 1025 KB but smaller that 300000 Byte (maxfilesize)
--> failure without any message
3. upload single file bigger than maxfilesize
--> error message indicating maxfilesize exceeded

Can you reproduce this? Do you see any message in case 2?

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

Our users have asked if it would be possible to see which day is today when popping up the calendar field. Of course they have seen this feature in Outlook (see attachment). Could you support this?

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

I need a button to choose just a directory on the client. I didn't find such a possibility in the fileupload button. Could you support that?

Regards, Daniel
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