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Messages posted by: levy  XML
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Hi Björn

I am missing the enabled attribute for a tabbedpanetab. Could you support it?

Regards, Daniel
It works fine appending a blank space, thank you.


I have a problem concerning the browser component. It can be explained with the corresponding example in the demo workplace (Client integration).

1. Write a valid url in the top field, e.g. http://google.de
2. Push "Load page"
3. Navigate a little by clicking links
4. Push "Load page" again
--> The last page (reached by clicking links) remains.
Instead, I would like that the page in the url field is reloaded again.
How can I attain this?


Thanks a lot for excellent explanation. Now I could implement what I wanted.


CaptainCasa wrote:
...is the "Component Overview" in the layout editor something similar? (in the menu on the left, below "Documentation")?

I believe the grid is too restrictive for what you want to do, because the height of each content-textline is equal.
So you may dynaymically build up the page (use ROWDYNAMICCONTENT) and write your journal as XML... this is how the "Component Overview" is built.



"Component Overview" is not exactly what we want: It shows the details of one item at a time. What we want is to see all details at once in the same way the component named "Report" did in the old framework casabac. It is right that there is no corresponding component in CC?


I have decided to use a grid of textareas (able to scroll). I shall set a mean rowheight. But I would like that the user could change the height of all rows, just the way is done in "Dinamic Pane sizing" on the demo workplace. I have tried but it didn't work for rowheight. Is this basically possible?


As a central application feature, I have to render a journal. Each of its items has a few fields and a text of variable length. The user wants to edit the journal
easily and to read it at a glance. For the text area, they imagine something like in Excel, where a cell can grow automatically when the line wrap option is set in the cell format.

I have thought of the following variants to implement:

1. Something like in demotreeflex.java. First row has normal fields, second row has a text(area) and can be expanded or collapsed.
--> But currently, the height of both rows cannot be set different.
2. Tooltip would show the item's whole text. Edit would be done in a modal popup window. Button to render the whole journal in PDF.
--> But currently, the tooltip doesn't wrap. I have tried userhint, it works but you have to click the field.

Any other ideas? Has anybody implemented something similar?

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn,

The solution you have suggested works splendid.

Thank you very much for your excellent support every time.

Regards, Daniel

I have a browser embedded in a tabbedpanetab invoking "file://..." to show the windows explorer. The (workplace) application is running on the Internet Browser (IE) as an applet. By sizing down the IE window, the workplace renders a vertical slide bar rightmost. When I move it up and down, the windows explorer overruns the wokplace's borders.

How could this be avoided? I send directly to Björn two screen shots and the jsp.


CaptainCasa wrote:
...yes, it's in the developer's guide.

And also in the Demo Workplace!

The hotkey is defined through the button's attribute "hotkey". Each Button is inside the corresponding tabbedpanetab.

I suppose you are writing about an alternative way to define hotkeys: with popupmenu. I never used this. Is there somewhere a description about it?


I have a tabbedPane with some tabbedpanetabs. In each tab, there is a button to preview a document. The hotkey is always (ctrl-p). When I hit (ctrl-p), the listeners in *all* tabs are alerted, so in each tab a document is loaded.

Of course, I would like that only the current tab listens to the hotkey or at least that I could know the current tab to avoid the action in the other tabs. What would be the best solution?

Regards, Daniel
Hi community,

In order to install a standalone version on clients, I want to create a setup.exe for Windows. There are certainly some tools for that, can you recommend one you are using? Björn, once you told me the one you use for CaptainCasa is pretty good, can you remember me its name?


As you would have guessed, I was too lazy to create the URL page. Now I have found out that checkIfInLayoutEditorPreview doesn't work as I expected. If a button in the layout is pressed, then the function returns false from now on. I enclose a little example.

I believe this behavior is intended, isn't it? So this is just a warning, use the function only at initialization time.

Just a peanuts request. Could the tooltip attribute be made available for paintareaitem in the editor?

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