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Messages posted by: levy  XML
Profile for levy -> Messages posted by levy [308] Go to Page: Previous  1, 2, 3 ... 10, 11, 12 ... 19, 20, 21 Next 
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I have enhanced a combofield with autocompletion a now there is a strange behaviour:

1. Set focus in the field
2. Type a few letters
--> Popup pops up and cursor is not kept, it turns to the beginning
3. Erase letters
4. Type some letters again
--> Popup pops up and now cursor is kept

So only the first time (after setting the focus) the cursor is not kept (undesired), in continuation with further trials the cursor is always kept (good).

I cannot reproduce this behaviour in the demo workplace (option "field value help"). I am using now the very last version of CaptainCasa released today.

Can you give me a hint to trace this problem? I can send separately the relevant source if it helps.

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn,

Yes, and now I also see that, with "setPopupSupported", we can avoid the popup when right-clicking on the workpage selector. This is the answer to the first question below.

Now everything is ok. Thank you very much for your early answer.

Regards, Daniel

In my wokplace application, there is a start workpage that never should be closed. I have implemented this by setting the Workpage constructor's parameter "isdecorated" to false. But now I have realized that, by right-clicking on the workpage tab, the decoration is popped up and it is possible to close.

How can I avoid this popup? May be it should be automatically ommitted if "isdecorated" is set to false?

Further, since update 20111121, there are explicit close-icons in the selector line. With setWithTabSelectorCloseIcons(false), it is only possible to hide the icons on all the tabs. It would be nice to hide the icon only for the workpage that never should be closed.

Is there such a possibility?

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn,

I have checked in demo workplace:

Component "fileuploadbuttonasynchronous" (your screenshot) works,
but components "fileupload*" (in menu option "Triggered by user") don't work.

Regards, Daniel

Trying to upload a file with the FILEUPLOAD component leads after choosing the file in the popped modal directory browser to the following error:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-2" java.lang.Error: Could not read /s90104/users/U106567/userdata/abkommen.pdf. 
See attached console text for further details.

Probably the point is that it is a network location. The directory browser can show file or network locations (see attached screenshot). File locations do well.
I guess that with a further leading slash (//s90104/users...) it would work.

Could you generally handle this in CaptainCasa's FileManager class?

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

The version is 4_0_20111024.

Regards, Daniel

have a look at the attached example. In a GRIDCOL, image and text in a combobox field overlap.

Can you reproduce this?

Regards, Daniel

It is a buttonmenu.

Instead of having a listening method per item
onActionItem1(ActionEvent), onActionItem2(ActionEvent),...

I wanted to have only one listening method onActionItem(ActionEvent). Within the method, I would recognize the selected item (by "parking" the "meaning" of the menuitem in the attribute accessiblename or reference or similar). Is this a good idea?

Regards, Daniel

I am not able to get the attribute "accessiblename" from the BaseActionEventSelect related to a component of type t:menuitem.

Can anybody help?

Regards, Daniel

Would it be possible to provide attributes "todate" and "fromdate" for formattedfield? Now formattedfield has only "timezone" and "exacttime" as date specific attributes.

In general, I use calendarfield instead of formattedfield (date) in order to benefice from these range attributes, but in grids with a lot of columns sometimes I must place the date field in a very narrow column.

Regards, Daniel

My country is the EFTA member with the best FIFA coefficient.

Regards, Daniel

I have a "grid with details" similar to the example in the demo workplace. Among the details, I have a country combo box with image (country flags). Now, something strange occurs when doing for example:
1. For a first item, select a country (Greece)
2. Select another item in the grid and select there a different country (Germany)
3. Go back to the first item
--> The country name is still Greece but the flag is now Germany!

Can you reproduce that?

A workaround would be to set the European Union flag for both countries, but may be this is not a stable solution.

Regards, Daniel

In cctemplate.html, I have set:
<param name='loglevel' value='ALL'>
<param name='clientlogfile' value='c:/temp/captaincasa_client.log'>
In logging.xml, I have set:
<logging level="ALL"...>

I send you the corresponding files separately.

Regards, Daniel

Yes, I used the wrong one. I overlooked the other method. Sorry for incovenience.

Regards, Daniel

I have tried out the new method getValidValueByName(...) and it doesn't work as I expected.

Could you check?

Regards, Daniel
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