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Messages posted by: levy  XML
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I have tried with workpage "Start browser" in menu "Client integration" of CaptainCasas demo workplace.

The attempt fails: When typing e.g. "tel:123456", the system prefixes "http://localhost:50000/demos/workplace/".

Can this prefixing be avoided? (I guess you apply the method "Desktop.getDesktop().browse(uri)" for JSHOWURL)

Regards, Daniel

Just like the bean processing component "mailto:" sends a request to the client side mail component, a new component "tel:" would send a request to the client side *phone* component with the phone number as sole attribute.

I guess this would be easy to implement for you?
Our telephonists would appreciate a lot.

The "tel:" uri is described in http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3966.txt.
Concretely, our client phone component is Microsoft Lync.


Could you provide the maxsize attribute for (editable) combobox?

Regards, Daniel

I want to use an editable combobox in a fixgrid.
When the user clicks the little arrow, the choice list rapidly flashes and disappears again, beeing useless.
Can you reproduce this behaviour?
I am using version 4_0_20130218.

Regards, Daniel

It is also my experience that filedownloadbutton does not trigger and roundtrip like normal buttons.

Is there a special reason for that?

Regards - Daniel

Just to thank you for your advice. It works perfect.

Regards, Daniel

I am using the "Saving and Restoring a Grid's Runtime State" explained in the developer's guide. It is a fantastic feature, like all in CaptainCasa.

I would like to implement the following use case:
1. The grid is rendered according to the info stored (with own persistence) in a previous session.
2. The user updates (rearranges, resizes or sorts) the grid without implicitly or explicitly storing (storepersistentDataImplicitly is overrriden)
3. The user wants to undo these updates in the current session

For step 3, I was looking in FIXGRIDBinding for a method in addition to storePersistentData like e.g. restorePersistentData or undoUserUpdate.

What is the best way to program step 3?

With kind regards, Daniel

Is it possible to scroll from the server in a SmartTextArea in order to make a certain text position visible?

Regards, Daniel

There is a drawback with the html trick: Exporting to PDF or to CSV, the html tags are visible. At least this is so with version 4_0_20120322.
Can you supress them?

Regards, Daniel

I get an runtime exception like in attachment when using a recent CC version (20120312):

1. Start the demo workplace
2. Go to option "Smart Label"
3. Double click

Could you check?

Regards, Daniel

Ok, thank you, it works by casting (The method getWorkpage in WorkpageDispatchedPageBean returns IWorkpage).

Regards, Daniel

In the last change log, you announce the "setComment" method.
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be available. I see only a getComment.

Could you check?

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn,

In our application, sometimes (rarely) two different workpages have the same title (a customer name). So we want to show in the tooltip the unique business reference in order to distinguish the two workpages unequivocally.

Therefore, we would appreciate this feature, unless you have a better idea.

Regards, Daniel

By default, the workpage tooltip is the title.
I didn't find the way to change the workpage tooltip only.
How can we do this or could you provide this?

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

Here is it.

<t:combofield id="g_50" actionListener="#{d.CaseUI.onMeasureInput}" flush="true" flushtimer="1000" keepfocus="true" maxlength="100" selectallwhenfocussed="true" text="#{d.CaseUI.claim.measures}" userhint="Maximal 100 Zeichen" width="50%" />

Regards, Daniel
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