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Messages posted by: levy  XML
Profile for levy -> Messages posted by levy [308] Go to Page: Previous  1, 2, 3 ... 6, 7, 8 ... 19, 20, 21 Next 
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Hi Björn

I have a fixgrid with multiselection defined as in attachment.
When opening a popup window containing this fixgrid, I select on server side some rows by means of "selectItem(item)".

In contrast to Swing, in RISC the selection is not immediately visible but only after some client flush.

Can you verify and fix this?

Kind regards, Daniel

As part of a major Swiss Insurance Company, we have to comply with strong security.

Very recently, the recognized IT-Security company we trust for years has exhaustively checked one of our CaptainCasa applications ported to RISC. The results are very satisfactory, attesting that the RISC framework is adequately used and resistant to common web attacks. Only minor weak points have been reported. We are now allowed to make the application available on the extranet.

We hope this information helps and accords with other experiences on this matter.

Kind regards, Daniel

Thank you for the hints.

I have now realized that percentage parameters for rectangle function can have decimals. So they are accurate enough in SCHEDULENode's "Bgpaint".

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

Please notice that on Firefox browser characters with descender (j, g, p,...) are cut on pane titles. An example of demo workplace for RISC is attached.

Can you correct this?

Chrome and Explorer display the descenders correctly.

Regards, Daniel

Hi Björn,

Just to tell you that on your public RISC Demo Workplace, the "Text with Links" and "Text with Hyperlinks" show plain HTML source, no browsing.

From our side, bugfix until next monday version would be sufficient.

Regards, Daniel

Hi Björn,

In RISC, multiselectmode=1 ist not effective (multiselect is set to true).

Is it possible to fix this bug?

Regards, Daniel

Hi Björn,

Lets set for a fixgrid singleexecute=true and for one of its gridcols avoidselection=true.

It happens that in Swing, the cells in the column are not selectable, and no execution is triggered. But with RISC, avoidselection=true is not effective.

Is it possible to correct this bug?

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn,

In the demo workplace, the example for Simple HTML editor sets on server side "Hello world" with <body style='font-family:Trebuchet MS'>. Now press "Load text" button.

In case of Swing, "Hello world" is displayed with Trebuchet MS font.
But in case of RISC, "Hello world" is displayed with Times Roman.

Is it possible for you to solve this bug?

Regards, Daniel

Hi Björn,

Thank for providing this feature.

I have realized that there is still a difference between t:calendar and t:calendarfield. In case of t:calendarfield, the calendar information is updated as soon as the calendar is popped up. (I suppose that ExtCalendarServlet is then called.) But with t:calendar, I don't see the possibility to trigger the client in order to reload the latest calendar information.

Could you please provide such a mechanism?

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn,

I must extend a calendar rendered by t:calendar with some information, like shown in demo workplace ("Calendar with information").

But the attributes extcalendarbuffer, extcalendarid and extcalendarmode are only available for t:calendarfield.

Could you please supply the calendar extension for t:calendar?

Best regards, Daniel
Hi CaptainCasa,

I want to use the schedule component, something like:
SCHEDULENode sn = new SCHEDULENode();

Besides the background color, I must color some time blocks in the schedule with different color.
The blocks are arbitrary, not corresponding to the 24 grid blocks.
E.g, I want to indicate with a different color than background that from 13.15 to 14.10 is siesta time

My first thought was to use bgpaint, something like:
sn.setBgpaint("rectangle(0, y , 100%, top, #e0e0e0)");
But the parameters "y" and "top" are pixel units or percentage.
Percentage is not accurate enough.
For pixel units, I would need some conversion ratio from minutes.

What do you recommend?

Best regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

Would be great for me if translation is included soon.
Please let me know.

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

I have tried out &noscale for the image component (Developers Guide, page 162).

I have filled the attribute image with the file name of a jpg 640x480.
If both attributes height and width are set, eg. height=480 and width=640, or height=480 and width=100%, then appending &noscale to the file name has no effect, the image still scales.

If one or both values for height and width are missing, then &noscale is effective.

I would expect that &noscale is effective specially if both height and width are set.

Can you please verify this issue?

Kind regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

It works fine.

Could you just translate the window for "removing directory" (see attachment) into german?

Regards, Daniel

This request is similar to the request in http://www.captaincasademo.com/forum/posts/list/2024.page, solved with update 20140707.

Lets place the calendar component quite on the screen's bottom. As soon as the popup is opened, its bottom part is unreachable, hidden by the Windows task bar. In my example, the popup is quite tall, including hours and seconds.

Can you fix that?

Regards, Daniel
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