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Messages posted by: levy  XML
Profile for levy -> Messages posted by levy [308] Go to Page: Previous  1, 2, 3 ... 7, 8, 9 ... 19, 20, 21 Next 
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Hi CaptainCasa,

We have got a should request from our customer:
1. Prompt the user to delete a (usually non empty) directory
2. Get a callback to know if
- directory existed at all
- directory was succesfully deleted
- directory existed but could not be (completely) deleted, so it still exists
- User cancelled the deleting

Could you enhance the component "clientFileRemover" in the desired way?
At the time (CC-Version 20150715), there is no callback supported.
It is possible to delete a directory, but only if it is empty.

Regards, Daniel

I have found this request from 2013.
I am also interested in using the grabber feature comprising non visible parts at the moment. What is the status of this request? Did you do the "research work"?

Swing version 20151109 of CaptainCasa does not seem to behave like that.

Regards, Daniel

We were not able to download the update as a registered user.
The message was "not registered yet".
The workaround was to register again.

Regards, Daniel

Currently the folder label in download popup is "Look In" (see attachment).
Would you please consider renaming to "Save In" (respectively for german version "Speichern unter")?

Regards, Daniel

Just to tell that the tray feature is implemented since Update 20141112.
Please take notice of possible restrictions in CaptainCasa's change log.

Many thanks to CaptainCasa for excellent support.

Regards, Daniel

With t:pdfprinter's attribute clientprintername, it is possible to print without dialog on the printer specified.

Now could you provide a new clientprintertray attribute in t:pdfprinter in order to print on the specified tray?

I have also noticed that clientprintername is only effective when printing without dialog. Could the printer choice automatically be set to clientprintername (if available) when printing with dialog?

Regards, Daniel

My colleague Joachim has provided an excellent idea to solve this requirement.
1. Create a message file with attachment.
2. Download it dark with openimmediately

Possible message file formats: eml or msg.
Eml files can be created with javax.mail library.
For Msg files, we have found a low priced library:

Regards, Daniel

The strange behaviour only happens with JRE Version 7 update 25.
With the newest JRE, there is no problem.

Regards, Daniel

We also noticed this problem.
We are happy that it is solved now.

Thank you for reporting and fixing.

Regards, Daniel

I can reproduce the following bug:
1. Start my application
2. Click to show a calendarfield's popup
--> popup just flickers but doesn't remain.

Click to show some combobox's popup
--> After that, the calendarfield behaves normally.

I have set loglevel=ALL and send you the captaincasa's logfile separately:
At 10:08:09, I tried unsuccesfully to popup the calendar.
At 10:10:25, I proceeded with the workaround described above.

Can you see some hint in the logfile to solve the bug?

Regards, Daniel

Is it possible to set the popup positioning for a filedownloadbutton?

In case that such a button is placed on the screen's bottom, the ok and cancel buttons are hidden by the (Windows) task bar.

See attached screenshot.

Regards, Daniel

When exporting a FIXGRIDTreeBinding (e.g. to PDF), the (treenode's) sortreference is exported instead of the (treenode's) text.

Can you reproduce and fix that?

Regards, Daniel

Again I have stepped in this.
Workaround is to set flush=true for the edited fields.
But I think it would be better that filedownloadbutton triggers and roundtrips, wouldn't it?

Regards, Daniel

I want my programs to react on "tabbedlinecontainertab" clicked in order to initialize contents.
The action listener for "tabbedlinecontainertab" doesn't react, so I set an action listener in "tabbedlinecontainer" that reacts depending on "value" attribute for "tabbedlinecontainer".

In order to support dynamic tab rendering: Could you provide the attribute ADAPTVALUEINDEX existing for tabbedpane also for tabbedlinecontainer?
Alternatively (may be better): Could you support action listener for tabbedlinecontainertab?

No hurry for this request, I wish you Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.


I wanted to use the style "cctlbreadcrumb01" from the CC default style.
I set cctlbreadcrumb01 in the stylevariant attribute, but the tabbedlinecontainer didn't take the style. I also noticed that the style was not available in the choice list for stylevariants (Style & macro).

Now I have seen in the default style.xml (version 4_0_20130507) that cctlbreadcrumb01 tags have names tabbedline and tabbedlinetab, but cctl01 til cctl04 have names tabbedlinecontainer and tabbedline. Then I have renamed both cctlbreadcrumb01 tags following the cctl0(i) pattern. Now it works.

Is this the right solution? Should you correct the style.xml in the CaptainCasa installation?

Regards, Daniel
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