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Messages posted by: levy  XML
Profile for levy -> Messages posted by levy [308] Go to Page: Previous  1, 2, 3 ... 5, 6, 7 ... 19, 20, 21 Next 
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Hi Björn

There is a difference between Swing and RISC concerning text line wrapping in SCHEDULEITEMNode.

With Swing, a text is rendered with correct wrapping.
With RISC, there is no wrapping. Explicitly setting the method setTextWithlineWrap to true doesn't help. See attached screen shots.

Also, in Swing text is placed at top, in RISC in the middle.

Can you please make possible text line wrapping in RISC for SCHEDULEITEMNode?

Kind regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

Could you think about this request?

Regards, Daniel
Hi David

Many thanks for your hint.

I hope to meet you soon at community meeting again.

Kind regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

With Swing, it is possible to select some text in t:texpane (in order to copy the selection into the clipboard by clicking with ctrl-c.

Unfortunately, this is not possible now with RISC.
Could you make it possible?

As a possible workaround, I have tried the demo workpage "Setting/Getting clipboard Content" with RISC. But it seems not to work for Firefox. In Chrome and Edge, it is a bit cumbersome (a popup is shown with the text in order to copy it). It works "normal" only with the (obsolete) Internet Explorer.

Kind regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

Lets try in the demo workpage "Combo Box" the following without mouse, just with keyboard:
1. Focus a combo box
2. Open the list of values
3. Mark a different value
4. Press Tab

The usual behaviour is that the marked value is set to be the new value.
The Swing version of CaptainCasa also behaves this way.

But for the RISC version, we have to press Enter before entering Tab in order to firmly choose the marked value, otherwise the old value is kept.
Our test users consider this additional key pressing quite disturbing for fluent data entry.

We would appreciate if you could implement this request quite soon.
In fact, it is the last hurdle before the RISC version is definitely accepted by our customer to replace the Swing version.

Kind regards, Daniel
Hi Björn,

In RISC, a t:checkbox with attribute align=center inside a t:gridcol is not displayed centered. For example, look at the simple grid workpage in the demo workplace. Same thing happens with t:icon.

I would appreciate if you could occasionally correct this.

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn,

No, I was not updating the calendar id.
By temporary changing the id at every flush, now the calendar refresh works as expected.

Thank you very much for your always proficient and effective support.

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn,

It still does not work as expected.

Please look at the attached screenshot sequence.

Flush attributes for checkbox and calendar are both set to true.

Kind regards, Daniel

Hi Björn,

Lets open the image anonymizer demo workpage on RISC.
Then click on the little car image at the bottom.
Finally, press the left and right arrow keys to switch between car and bubbles images.

The image switching works with Internet Explorer but neither with Firefox nor with Chrome.

Can you make for same behaviour as in IE?

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn,

if a button is disabled, we expect that an associated hotkey won't react.
This is true for Swing but not for RISC.
Can this be rectified?

Regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

I use t:helpicon with the HTML text attached.
The text is rather simple but it must be scrolled.

In contrast to Swing, now in RISC the scrolling is blocked.
Please see both attached screen shots.

You can reproduce on CaptainCasa's demo server.
Just replace the original file specialHelp.html with the attached one.

Can you fix this or suggest a workaround?

Kind regards, Daniel

With CC 20160404, the following improvement was delivered.

"Swing Client: GRIDCOL-USESMARTLABEL Up to now you could only define “true” or “false” for this attribute. If defining “true” then the GRIDCOL-label is able to render certain text formats. - Now, only for the Swing client, you can define a third value “multiline”: in this case the text will be interpreted as simple HTML text and line breaks will be done if there is not sufficient space."

I have noticed that the attribute "align" is ignored when setting usesmartlabel="multiline". Until now, the workaround was to set the text in Html with a tag such as align='center'. But now, this is not suitable because we run a RISC version in parallel. In RISC, we set the attribute "multiline" to true. Unfortunately, this attribute is not effective for Swing.

Could you please either make the "align" attribute effective for usesmartlabel="multiline" or make the multiline attribute effective for Swing?

Regards, Daniel

After consulting one's pillow...

Of course to be on the sure side the best is that we check in the code for getResult() equals "OK" OR getResult() equals "SUCESS", regardless of checkIfCurrentClientTypeIsRisc.

Kind regards, Daniel
Hi Björn

On second thoughts, may be you could fix to return always OK?
Hoping nobody tests against "SUCCESS" already!

Regards, Daniel

In order to verify what button the user has pressed, we must call BaseActionEventPdfprinterNotification.getPrintResult(). Now be careful, the method behaves in RISC differently than in Swing.

Pressing the green button "document was printed" in Swing, the method getPrintResult() returns "OK". But pressing the green button "document was printed" in RISC, the method getPrintResult() returns "SUCCESS".

The constant BaseActionEventPdfprinterNotification.RESULT_OK contains in Swing as well as in RISC the string "OK".

As a workaround, I use HttpSessionAccess.checkIfCurrentClientTypeIsRisc() to compare to "OK" or to "SUCCESS".

Björn, what do you think about?

Regards, Daniel

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