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Messages posted by: levy  XML
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CaptainCasa wrote:

...yes, we can extend the API accordingly, a title is no problem.

In general: please have a look into the API documentation behind the FIXGRID-export functions, they are quite flexible so that you can add own issues. Of course you need to now itext-API but this is quite simple from my perspective...

But, again: "title" is OK to be added...



can you give me a hint how to find the API documentation behind the FIXGRID-export functions mentioned above?

Regards, Daniel

Since 23th November, CC uses consistently font “Trebuchet MS” within the default configuration. Can you tell me what was the former font? I must keep exactly the former font.


Some users claim that they can hardly read the darkened items corresponding to the non selected workpages on the rowworkpageselector. Of course one excellent aid is to popup the alternative menu on the very right corner of the rowworkpageselector.
But I wonder if the rowworkpageselector could be more customizable, e.g. different background and/or text color for selected and unselected workpage items.

Regards, Daniel
Works perfect, thank you!
Hi Björn,

Yes, I would like to define the csv-export characterset generally. Thus a new property for FIXGRIDBinding would be fine for us.

Thank you very much.


We often want to use the exportURLCsvWholeGrid, that is a great feature (like all features of CaptainCasa). In our customer clients, when opening such generated csv-files by the opensupported feature of captainCasa or by simply double clicking the file in the file explorer, the file is opened by MS-Excel. The rows are loaded as expected, but not the special characters like äöü. This is because the file is generated in UTF-8. If the file is converted to ANSI/ASCII (e.g. by means of Ultraedit or similar editors), then MS-Excel is happy and reads the characters as desired by default.

Unfortunately, there are no means to change in Excel this default behavior, the only way to read the UTF-8 file correctly is through the import assistant. Our users don't accept this multi-step way.

So my question is: How can I get the csv-file generated in ANSI/ASCII encoding? Perhaps by postprocessing or by setting an attribute or calling a method of CaptainCasa?

Regards, Daniel

After installing this update, I get the following error for idvalueimageselection.jsp:
Cannot find the tag library descriptor for "/WEB-INF/democontrols"

Can you give me a hint what's wrong?

Regards, Daniel

I have detected that, for a combobox, the mandatory() feature does not work if the valuetextmode is VALUE - TEXT.

Could you check that?

Regards, Daniel
OK, thank you very much.


is it possible to implement the maxlength attribute within the textarea component?

Yes, it is!

Sorry for inconvenience!


I attach a FIXGRID example where some cell values are not exported to PDF. However, they are exported to CSV.

Why are they missing?

Regards, Daniel
works fine, thank you.
works fine, thank you
works fine, thank you.
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