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Messages posted by: levy  XML
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Could you please allow the attribute "actionListener" for the component "t:filedownload?" This would make the attribute "withCallback" useful here.

By the way, the "t:filedownload" component is not available in the CaptainCasa editor on the list of the client file access components. (Workaround: edit the jsp file directly)

Regards, Daniel

I think this would be a more general approach of our current requirement. We only need always the same fix target directory (= isolated directory), but it is important that it is hidden for the user, he shouldn't care about the directory's name. Actually, in our case the user doesn't care about the downloaded file, it stays in the background for further processing by an external task. Do you mean by "isolated directory that the user can define" that he can define it *interactively*? How? For our purpose, we understand that he can but must not define it. The default should be defined by the server.

On second thoughts, it would be ok (or even better) to have a single confirmation step. The whole procedure:
1. Press download button
2. Confirmation popup "Do you want to download file x to target y?" (better: a free definable question text)
3. Download with progress bar
4. Finally callback to server

No need for confirmation if directory doesn't exist or file already exists.

Regards, Daniel

Now it works fine, thank you very much.


We adhere to this feature request. We have the same requirements:
- "no interim dialog"
- automatically overwrite (create directory if not existant)

Furthermore, we require an attribute WITHCALLBACK similar to the one in "Client Side Directory Creation" in order to tell the server if download was successful or not.

To avoid misunderstanding, we mention that we want to keep the "progress bar" (byte count) visible as usual.

Do you think this could be available in the next release?

Regards, Daniel

I am creating a modal popup with content similar to the workpage "Grid of Bean Objects" of the demo workplace. Now I have detected that the onOpenRowDataPopup does not popup on the modal window but behind it on the opening workpage. In contrast, onOpenGridFunctions works as expected. Can you reproduce that?


CaptainCasa wrote:
could you send your jsp page? Thanks!

By private message...

I have put labels in (double-line) gridcols and I want to exclude them from tabsequence. It seems to me that the focusable attribute of the label component does not work here. Could you please check that?


We are looking forward to this feature, too. It is surely not indispendable but very convenient.


We adhere to this request. We want to enter and display the date with four digit year value. In principle, this can be solved with the medium format. But this format has quite different locale versions. In swiss-german, it is like 12.01.1977, but in swiss-french, it is defined like 12. janv. 1977, and this is awful and absolutely unusual for swiss-french people. So we want to set format dd.mm.yyyy for both languages, as it is actually usual in Switzerland. If entering only two year digits, it should complete to four digits (medium format can do this). With Casabac, we didn't have this problem.


I had a problem, but now I found the reason. Sorry for inconvenience.
I am displaying time durations on the client. When my server calculates e.g. new java.util.date(0), the instance has 1 hour plus. I think this is because my server is CET. So the client displays 01:00. When I set client timezone to GMT, client displays 00:00 as desired.


The global parameter timezone works fine for format = date. But I suspect that it doesn't work for format = time. Can you confirm that?


All our clients and servers are in the same timezone. Just for extra safety, I set so far the timezone attribute for every calendarfield to "Europe/Paris". But now I have realized that this isn't the timezone on the servers, which is CET. I have noticed that because I ran into a java bug which shifts dates in seldom date periods (i.e. dates in the year 1976). For instance, if the user enters 1.9.1976, this is converted to 31.8.1976. This bug is described in http://lists.cocoondev.org/pipermail/daisy/2007-November/007872.html. As mentioned, the error only happens if the time zone for client and server are different.

So in my case that all is in the same timezone, the solution is to set for every calendarfield either CET or no timezone attribute. Finally, here my question: What is the better solution? I guess that it is better to set no attribute, in case the server timezone would change. But I am not sure, time zone issues seem to be quite tricky...

Regards, Daniel

If I open the configuration window (wrench button on footer line) and push ok, then the family font changes to the default!
See also http://www.casabacdemo.com/forum/posts/list/752.page

Could you check that?

Regards, Daniel

I can't find FIXGRIDPDFExporter nor IFIXGRIDPDFExporter (in http://captaincasa.com/javadoc/eclntjsfserver/allclasses-noframe.html).

I suppose I can reuse FIXGRIDPDFExporter. Somehow I should subclass FIXGRIDPDFExporter and implement the method setLogo. How can I manipulate the iText-Object to add the logo?



I have downloaded the zip file, but it arrives corrupted to my client. So I have looked directly in http://captaincasa.com/javadoc/eclntjsfserver/org/eclnt/jsfserver/elements/impl/FIXGRIDBinding.Exporter.html.

I can't see there the approach for modifying the generated PDF with iText. Could you give an example? I would like to add a logo next to the title.

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