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Messages posted by: levy  XML
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If your CaptainCasa client communicates with the server through a WES (Web Entry Service) and you get an error on the Java Client Console similar to this:
2010:08:10 14:21:19:534 | 10     | INFO     | [....0] - transfer of XML started, receiving response .......... org.eclnt.client.comm.http.DataTransfer>transferXML
 2010:08:10 14:21:19:752 | 10     | SEVERE   | Error occurred when communicating to server .......... org.eclnt.client.comm.http.DataTransfer>buildErrorResponse
 .......... Stacktrace Info ..........
 java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL: <a href="https://..." target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://...</a>

... then you may let check the WES administrator the maximal number of headers. CaptainCasa transfers more than 20 headers such as language, country, user name,...

Regards, Daniel

Now it is all ok.

- Point (A) is ok after the newest CC release.
- Point (B) is ok now that I followed the demo example code closer.

Thank you very much!

Regards, Daniel

I come back to this issue because the current solution doesn't work after using the "onEditColumnDetails" feature.

If we remove a column through "onEditColumnDetails" window, then a subsequent export doesn't export the "not rendered" columns any more.
A further side effect is: the columns on the left split pane are no longer visible, they reflect the "not rendered"-attribute of their counterpart columns on the right split pane.

Can you reproduce that (may be in the demo "Grids and Trees > Special Issues > Fix Columns")?

Regards, Daniel

Is it possible for the component pdfprinter to have the attributes "actionlistener" and "withcallback"?

If "withprintdialog"= true, the return value would be true if OK button pressed and false if Cancel button pressed. For "withprintdialog"= false, return value would always be true.

Regards, Daniel

Finally, it was not necessary to overwrite FIXGRIDPDFExporter. I just copied the gridcols from the left split pane to the right split pane an set their attribute "rendered" to false. To my surprise, not rendered columns are nevertheless exported.

For my purposes, this behaviour is ok. But I can imagine that someone would expect that not rendered columns are not exported. Bjoern, if you change something on this behaviour please tell us.

Regards, Daniel

I the meantime, I had an idea: export the grid on the right side with
overwriting of the method createDocument in FIXGRIDPDFExporter: passing a postprocessed list of columns with the fix columns on the left added.

But what about CSV export? I wonder if there is a simpler solution for all this.

Regards, Daniel

I have detected a major difficulty with the workaround explained above.
The user configuration (add/remove columns, change column position, user sorting,..) of the fixgrid in the right side splitpanesplit won't be effective for the export function (applied on the left side fixgrid).

I need good advice...

Regards, Daniel

There is a challenge here if we want to export by means of CaptainCasa's grid functions the whole table including the fix columns. I have puzzled out a workaround. Lets explain it with the demo workplace example:

In the left splitpanesplit, the fixgrid would contain all the columns, but the columns "Id" and "LastName" would have fix width, the fixgrid's witdh would be the sum of both widths. This way, the rest of the columns are hidden on display but can be exported.

It is somehow tricky, but basically it should work. What do you think about? Are there alternatives?

Regards, Daniel

Yes, it is exactly what I need, thank you very much.


For a FIXGRID with a lot of columns, I would like to fix the first one when scrolling horizontally towards right. This would be analogous to the capability of GRIDFOOTER of staying always visible when scrolling down.

Do you see possibilities to provide that?

Regards, Daniel

For CaptainCasa components, the tooltip disappears always after a couple of seconds. I would like to influence (double) the display duration...

Regards, Daniel

Could you please register the tabbedpanetab control for tooltip? I hope it is a "normal" control like label...

Kind regards, Daniel

I must provide the same behaviour for a ROWDYNAMICCONTENTBinding.
For example, lets look at the workpage "dynamic form" of the demo workplace:
1. Start the workpage
2. Add a lot of new comments until scroll bar appears
3. Scroll to the very bottom
4. Add a new comment
--> I would like the new comment to be visible

I have tried to set the focus by means of requestfocus-attribute, but it didn't work.

Any ideas?

Regards, Daniel

I also want to use the convenience sort method:
getPotentialRows().sort(".{year}", true);

But it doesn't work at all. In the console, it is written:
2010:05:11 11:03:14:138 | 13 | INFO | Grid sort, reference is null/potentialRows.year
11.05.2010 11:03:14 INFO [ch.xpertcenter.recourse.log.LogOutputDelegator, http-64201-4]: Grid sort, reference is null/potentialRows.year
2010:05:11 11:03:14:138 | 13 | INFO | Update of sbvalue in grid null 

If I sort from the client, the log in the console is:
11.05.2010 11:08:44 INFO [ch.xpertcenter.recourse.log.LogOutputDelegator, http-64201-3]: Grid action in grid: d.d_2.d_3.CaseUI.potentialRows
2010:05:11 11:08:44:625 | 12 | INFO | Grid sort, reference is d.d_2.d_3.CaseUI.potentialRows/year
11.05.2010 11:08:44 INFO [ch.xpertcenter.recourse.log.LogOutputDelegator, http-64201-3]: Grid sort, reference is d.d_2.d_3.CaseUI.potentialRows/year
2010:05:11 11:08:44:625 | 12 | INFO | Update of sbvalue in grid d.d_2.d_3.CaseUI.potentialRows
11.05.2010 11:08:44 INFO [ch.xpertcenter.recourse.log.LogOutputDelegator, http-64201-3]: Update of sbvalue in grid d.d_2.d_3.CaseUI.potentialRows 

Can you please give me a hint?

Regards, Daniel

Is it possible to change the standard format of the simplyhtml component without interaction? May be an attribute in the simplyhtml component to indicate the url of a default style.css? When starting the component, this default style.css should be the active/standard.

Regards, Daniel
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