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Messages posted by: wocher  XML
Profile for wocher -> Messages posted by wocher [49] Go to Page: Previous  1, 2, 3, 4 Next 
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Hi Björn,

big frontend masks with a large Adapter, or hidden fields is the editing not so easy.
Then the will be rendered without a adapter, the design of the mask will be quicker designable.

Greet Wocher
Hi Björn,

my problem is by the AbstractBeanWrapper.
This field will return a string not a date object.
By the way in direkt way in a methode setSomeThing( java.util.Date date )
a date object will set.

in my AbstractBeanWrapper is the put ( String property, Object value )
in this way a string with the date will get to the class.

Can you fix this? Or must i convert the text string to a Date Object?

to the .jsf site the AbstractBeanWrapper gives a Date Object.

Greet Wocher
Hi Björn,

when the Alert Window calls two times in a request the error popup do not close.

Greet Wocher
Hello Björn,

by the use of disp.getDispatchedBean(c); a another class will bring back as the ui use to show the popup.
So the .setValueSelectionListener() do "nothing" then the user select one entry in the ui popup ( NullPointer by the listener )

Greet Wocher

Class c = Class.forName(className);
Object o = disp.getDispatchedBean(c);
if (o instanceof IValueSelectionProvider) {
((IValueSelectionProvider) o)
// optics
String popupPageName = "/" + m_propertyName + "SuchePopup.jsp";
m_popup = ModalPopup.createInstance();
IModalPopupListener l = new IModalPopupListener() {
* Innere anonyme Klasse um auf das X eine Funktion zu
* legen.
public void reactOnPopupClosedByUser() {
m_popup.open(popupPageName, "Search for " + m_propertyName, 400, 300, l);
ok the interface is in my BeanWrapperUI and its work then the user click of cancel in the edit field and he has not saved. But then the user edit a entry and then he close the page in the workspace oder close the complet application.
When the warning does not come. Wich way can i go for this proplem?

Greet Wocher
Hi Björn,

i have a hibernate bean in a wrapper.
this is ok, but the arrow dont show.
The sorting of the values works right.

Greet Wocher
Hi Björn,

in which lib is the IYesNoListener i can not find this.

Greet Wocher

[edit] ok resolved i write the import self, then its work.
the combination strg + shift + o failed :/
ok thanks, i have one search methode and more fields who request this one search methode.

Thanks for the quick answer.

Greet Wocher
Hi Björn,

then the user search on a mask, when the search are longer the user see actualy see only the cursor, but he dont know is the application crashes or the search work.
the idea was to modify the progressbar.
the gui draw a walking bar like the browser then it is loading a homepage.
Do you understand what i mean?

Greet Wocher
i have in the Popup Menu Item the field command the following command set:
It's that ok? It's work.

Greet Wocher
Hi Björn,

my problem are, i have a search textfield, when the user press enter the search start.
Currently the user must klick the search button or switch the focus to the search button with the tab.

Greet Wocher

for the support we need more information on the GUI.
An idea was so show the username and the version on the right side on the statusbar.

The other is the Statusbar under the workplace should be remove or the message are only shows, when the subpage opend in the workplace and not opend als popup.
Then ist's opend as popup the message shows only in this popup.
And then the subpage opend in the workplace the statusbar in the subpage are hidden, so no 2 statusbars shown in one window.
currently the main statusbar shows all errors

An another problem is then the message is very long the text shown in the information on the right side of the statusbar.

Greet Wocher
current only a string are allowed.
the user select one entry and this string return.
by multilanguage so i must translate this strings to find out what the user selected.
e.g. a enum.

when the combobox taken a object and the .toString() gives the text to shown.
or the combo object taken objects that implements a interface


public interace ComboboxValue {

* Show the text for the combobox enttry
public String getText ();

* Sow a description for the combobox entry
public String getDescription();

Very spezial thanks to you.
Thats great! *thumps up*
Ok thanks for the quick and great answer.
When do you think do you have the chance coded?
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