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t:combobox -> String and/or Object  XML
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Power User

Joined: 14/04/2008 13:10:19
Messages: 49
Location: Ravensburg

current only a string are allowed.
the user select one entry and this string return.
by multilanguage so i must translate this strings to find out what the user selected.
e.g. a enum.

when the combobox taken a object and the .toString() gives the text to shown.
or the combo object taken objects that implements a interface


public interace ComboboxValue {

* Show the text for the combobox enttry
public String getText ();

* Sow a description for the combobox entry
public String getDescription();


„Ein Haus ohne Bücher ist arm, auch wenn schöne Teppiche seinen Boden und kostbare Tapeten und Bilder die Wände bedecken.“
Hermann Hesse, Dichter, Schriftsteller und Maler * 02. 07. 1877 - Calw † 09. 08. 1962 - Montagnola, Schweiz

Rainer Wocher Quentia Development GmbH (Sotware Developer)

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5538


the COMBOBOX receives items which are id and text based (both strings). The id is the language independent string that is passed to the VALUE property, the text is the one displayed by default in the combo box. So there is a normal separation between "id" and "language dependent" text.

At the end there needs to be a translation from object to id and from id to object, because the frontend is running on a different system than the backend. No chance to pass pointer references... ;-)

Of course you could build an own class within your managed bean, that is dealing with this aspect: currently you pass a VALUE (e.g. "#{d.xyz.department}") and a VALIDVALUESBINDING (e.g. "#{d.xyz.departmentValues}"). Now you could build up one class providing both and dealing with the transaltion as you request it: in this case then VALUE would bind to #{d.xyz.cbdep.value} and the VALIDVALUESBINDING to #{d.xyz.cbdeb.valdidvalues}. Inside the class behin "cbdep" you could implement a generic class for managing what you want to do.

Is this understand-able....? I am not 100% sure. Pls give me feedback...


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5538

...I wrote a mini example to explaint what I mean...:

This is the client side layout:
 <f:subview id="workplace_democomboobjectsg_37">
 <t:rowbodypane id="g_1" >
   <t:row id="g_2" >
     <t:label id="g_3" text="Department" width="120" />
     <t:combobox id="g_4" validvaluesbinding="#{wp.DemoComboObjects.cbDepartment.vvb}" value="#{wp.DemoComboObjects.cbDepartment.value}" width="200" />
   <t:rowdistance id="g_5" height="10" />
   <t:row id="g_6" >
     <t:coldistance id="g_7" width="120" />
     <t:button id="g_8" actionListener="#{wp.DemoComboObjects.onOutputSelection}" text="Output Information" />
 <t:rowstatusbar id="g_9" />

And this is the server side code:

 package workplace;
 import java.io.Serializable;
 import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
 import org.eclnt.editor.annotations.CCGenClass;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.defaultscreens.Statusbar;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.elements.util.ValidValuesBinding;
 @CCGenClass (expressionBase="#{wp.DemoComboObjects}")
 public class DemoComboObjects implements Serializable
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // inner classes
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     public interface IWithText
         public String getText();
     public class Department 
         implements Serializable, IWithText
         String i_text;
         public String getText() { return i_text; }
         public void setText(String text) { i_text = text; }
         public Department(String text) { i_text = text; }
      * The id that is passed to the client side is the index of the 
      * object within the array.
     public class ComboCounterPart
         IWithText[] i_objects;
         int i_selObjectIndex = -1;
         ValidValuesBinding i_vvb = new ValidValuesBinding();
         public ComboCounterPart(IWithText[] objects)
             i_objects = objects;
             for (int i=0; i<objects.length; i++)
         public ValidValuesBinding getVvb() { return i_vvb; }
         public String getValue() 
             if (i_selObjectIndex < 0)
                 return null;
                 return "" + i_selObjectIndex;
         public void setValue(String value)
             i_selObjectIndex = (new Integer(value)).intValue();
         public IWithText getSelectedObject()
             if (i_selObjectIndex < 0)
                 return null;
                 return i_objects[i_selObjectIndex];
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // members
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     ComboCounterPart m_cbDepartment;
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // constructors
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     public DemoComboObjects()
         Department[] deps = new Department[]
             new Department("Sales"),
             new Department("Marketing"),
             new Department("Production"),
             new Department("Board")
         m_cbDepartment = new ComboCounterPart(deps);
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // public usage
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     public ComboCounterPart getCbDepartment() { return m_cbDepartment; }
     public void onOutputSelection(ActionEvent event)
         if (m_cbDepartment.getSelectedObject() != null)
             Statusbar.outputMessage("The selected object is: " + m_cbDepartment.getSelectedObject().getText());
             Statusbar.outputMessage("No selection yet.");

The class "ComboBoxCounterPart" is the transferr-er between Objects and Strings. Hope, this makes things clearer...


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH
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