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Messages posted by: mbreyer  XML
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In Update 20140428 was following Improvment:

Improvement – FX Client: FORMATTEDFIELD and FIED-REGEX Behavior
Both components do check the input of the user on certain format issues. Now the behavior for both components is the same:
•When the user keys in data offending the format definition then the field is drawn with “error()” background.
•When the user leaves the field and did not define a correct value then the value is taken back through a popup message. In case if FIELD-REGEX this only occurs if the definition FIELD-REGEXMODE is set to “1” (“Component shows error, input value is reset to previous valid value"). 

Is it possible to add this Behaviour in the Swing Client too?

Hello together,

we want to upgrade to JavaFx. As preparatory work we are analysing the expenditure to do this. In this process we came to following Question:

Is there an easy way/tool to check the pages, if there are any used components, which existed in swing-client, but not in fx-client?

kind regards,

the solution with a regex is just the half solution for us, as it only hints that an input is false but doesn't prevent it.

I ask again is it possible to add the Attributes 'regexmode' and 'regexhint' on formattedfield?

works fine now, thanks!!!


well it's not that urgent. We could also wait until next week.
But, thanks for the quick response.

Regards, Mario.

our first test looks good.

mhh it doesn't work for me.
Im scrolling down and switching the workpage.
The value "0;120" is set.
Now i switch back, the value "0;120" is read, but the scrollpane is displayed with a postion of "0;0".


we currently experience a strange problem with Checkboxes in Grids.
When we click an Checkbox in a Grid, it only looks like the Checkbox changes it's value, but the bindet member in fact is not changed.
(flush is set to true)

It seems like the click on the Checkbox only selects the the row. If the row is already selected the bindet member is changed normally.

The right mystery is yet to come ;).
This only happens if the page is included in our complete application.
If I try the page in editor standalone, all works perfect.

On first view it seems to be some problem on our side, but we didn't change anything in the involved classes. Furthermore we experience this problem since, we changed our CaptainCasa version.

We changed from version 20140217 to 20140317.
Hopefully you can help us.


yes that would be a solution for us.


we have scrollpanes on large pages.
For example they are completely scrolled down.
Now I switch to another workpage to copy some text or something like this.
I switch back, now the Scrollpane is scrolled to top again, that is very annoying.

Is it possible for the scrollpane to remember the positon when the workpage is switched?

The solution with a regular expression works for me, but I would need 'regexmode' and 'regexhint' on formattedfield.

Is it possible to add these?


yes that seems logical, I will check this.

@Edit: yes that's the scenario and all is fine as I can explain this behaviour now. Thanks!!


I want the user to input an floating point value with a precison of 12 and a scale of 2.
So it should only be possible to enter 10 digits pre the decimal point.

I try to realize this with a formattedfield, so I set format=double and
formatmask=dec2 like in the demoworkspace. Now the input is rounded after 2 digits past decimal point thats fine. But I don't see any chance to limit the digits pre decimal point.

I tried with a maxlength of 12, but then it's possible to enter 12 digits pre decimal point, and there is no space left to add the zeros past decimal point. I would need the field to reserve two spaces past the decimal point, but its good that the thousands separators and the decimal point aren't counted.

Is there any way to realize this with a formattedField or any other control?

kind regards,


i have a grid, filled with numerous items.
I set a sorting by clicking a column header.
This column can contain only 3 different values.
Now the items are sorted in this 3 categories and within this categories it's somelike random as it is not defined.

Afterwards I press an refresh button, which reloads the contents of the grid, in this scenario think of as nothing has changed. Now the sorting of the content doesn't fit to the displayed sort, as the sorting is maintained. To fix this i call FIXGRIDListBinding.resort() .

Now I would expect that the items are sorted just as they were after clicking the header. Unfortunately this happens only partially.
The items art sorted in the 3 categories, but within the categories it's different.

My first thought was 'ok, as it is not defined', but I can press the refresh-button multiple times and it is always sorted identical. So it seems the sort logic of FIXGRIDListBinding.resort() and the user-triggered sort logic are different.

Kind regards

in the GUI-Editor, the "Important"-Tab for every component ist nearly empty.
I think it would be a great assistance if the commonly used attributes like rendered, enabled ... would be accessible there.

At this time it is always an annoying scrolling and searching in the complete list of attributes.
Of course the additonal list of attributes should be small to preserve the use and access speed of this tab.


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