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Java 8 released  XML
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Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555


today Oracle released the first official Java8 release.

We are about to check and test the release currently. When OK, we will switch to Java8 as default delivery of our installation (.exe installer) as fast as possible, because Java8 is the official release to support our FX client.

In case of problems you might find with Java8: please tell us, best by posting issues into the normal Development-Forum. Please really use the official Java 8 version, not one of the release candidates..., when posting issues - thanks!

Regards, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

...first results:

Swing client: we could not find any misbehavior here (yet).

FX client: here of course there are some more issues because JavaFX is a more active area of development on Java side ;-)

1. TEXTAREAs always have grey background => fixed
2. Vertical Links showed "..." and the text was cut => fixed
3. Height of buttons, comboboxes, fields some pixels too big => fixed
4. SLIDER labels not shown => fixed

...will append issues to this list when continuing to test/fix...

Regards, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

FX client:

5. font size not changed in LINK/LINKVERTICAL component => fixed

Regards, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

There is a problem in the Swing client:

S1. Popup menus are available with the first right mouse click only - and then not anymore. The problem seems to occur if they are loaded dynamically, fix definition seem to work without problems.

...we are working on the problem...

Regards, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 20/03/2013 14:13:15
Messages: 37
Location: Berlin


is there a fix available to the right-click problem? I am experiencing the problem in the layout editor, which makes it very annoying (how to add components without right click?).

Also, I get some graphic issues like disappearing pixels, for example the Editor Titlebar is hardly readable or text parts of labels and fields are missing. This only occurred together with the right-click-problem. I guess it's connected, but I'm not sure.

I am running version 20141013. Strange thing is that my colleagues don't have this problem.


PS: I added a screenshot showing the "first right click" inside the components tree. As you can see, the entry "Add before" is not complete. This is reproducible.
[Thumb - CCLE_rc1.png]
 Filename CCLE_rc1.png [Disk] Download
 Description Popup after right-clicking on a component inside the components tree.
 Filesize 40 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  370 time(s)


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555


we did already some fixing of this in 20141016 and up to now got the feedback that problems were solved.

So we have to re-check this issue - grrr.

Which exact version are you using?
32 or 64 bit?

Regards, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH
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