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Unable to set request character encoding to UTF-8 from context....  XML
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Power User

Joined: 05/05/2011 13:49:24
Messages: 100


Deploying my app in Glassfish 3.0.1 / 3.1 , I'm always getting the following annoying message on output log:

WARNING: PWC4011: Unable to set request character encoding to UTF-8 from context /myapp, because request parameters have already been read, or ServletRequest.getReader() has already been called.

I have spent a lot of time trying to find a solution and get rid of this msg but no luck. I have tried the suggestion found in several posts (e.g. http://mpashworth.wordpress.com/2011/06/01/glassfish-3-1-pwc4011-warning-with-jsf-applications/) by adding in sun-web.xml the following

<parameter-encoding default-charset="utf-8"/>

but nothing happened. I even added a servlet filter that works as a request wrapper and sets both the response and request character encoding to ‘UTF-8′ (http://qussay.com/2011/07/11/solving-pwc4011-unable-to-set-request-character-encoding-to-utf8/) but I still getting the warning msg.

Has anyone run into this and are there any ideas suggestions how to get rid of this msg?

PS. I finally I'm ignoring the msg according to the instructions given at https://wikis.oracle.com/display/GlassFish/FaqWebAppUnableToSetRequestCharEncoding


Gerasimos Makis Defteraios


Power User

Joined: 09/12/2010 09:23:42
Messages: 69

we have the same message in the output log and haven't found a solution. Couldn't see any side effects we just ignore it. If you find something, please let us know.

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