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AutoComplete is not working  XML
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Power User

Joined: 13/03/2009 19:09:45
Messages: 81
Location: Villingen-Schwenningen

Hi Community,

I added an autocomplete component on my grid column.
But, it is not working.

Does someone have an idea?

 public class HttpXmlInterfaceUI extends InteractionUI implements Serializable{
 public class NameAutoCompleteProvider extends DefaultAutoCompleteProvider
         public List<String> getProposals(String currentText)
 //            // simulate some waiting time...
 //            try
 //            {
 //                Thread.currentThread().sleep(3000);
 //            }
 //            catch (Throwable t)
 //            {
 //            }
             List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
             if ("CaptainCasa".equalsIgnoreCase(currentText))
                 result.add("CaptainCasa Enterprise Client");
                 result.add("CaptainCasa Corporate Community");
                 result.add("CaptainCasa GmbH");
             else if ("JSF".equalsIgnoreCase(currentText))
                 result.add("JSF - Java Server Faces");
                 result.add("JSF - CaptainCasa Utilization");
                 result.add("JSF - Server Side UI Standard");
                 result.add("JSF - Some German Umlaute: üüü");
                 result.add("JSF - This is a Euro: €");
             else if ("Müller".equalsIgnoreCase(currentText))
                 result.add("Müller, Björn");
                 result.add("Müller, Karl");
             return result;
 	protected NameAutoCompleteProvider m_nameAC;
 	protected String m_name;
     public String getNameACURL() { return m_nameAC.getURL(); }
     public String getName() { return m_name; }
     public void setName(String value) {m_name = value;}
 	public HttpXmlInterfaceUI(IWorkpageDispatcher dispatcher) {
 m_nameAC = new NameAutoCompleteProvider();
 	        // register clearing of "m_nameAC"
 	        this.getOwningDispatcher().getWorkpage().addLifecycleListener(new WorkpageDefaultLifecycleListener() 
 	            public void reactOnDestroyed()
     	catch (Exception ex) 

 <t:gridcol id="g_77" text="Column" width="100" >
 <t:autocomplete id="g_78" flush="true" popupwidth="250" value="#{d.HttpXmlInterfaceUI.name}" valuesurl="#{d.HttpXmlInterfaceUI.nameACURL}" />

By adding "CaptainCasa" there is no roundtrip to the server.
By using the example code on the CC Demo Workplace it is working fine.

Thanks in advance

Good karma - for the moment...
why is the word abbreviation so long?

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 11:36:10
Messages: 38


please check you we.xml - there is an "AutoCompleteServlet" registered (two places: the serverlet and the mapping). Please compare to the web.xml_templat in the same directory.

Regards, Björn

PS: AUTOCOMPLETE is not supported with Android so far!

Power User

Joined: 13/03/2009 19:09:45
Messages: 81
Location: Villingen-Schwenningen

Hi Björn,

thats it!
Thank you very much again!

With best regards...

Good karma - for the moment...
why is the word abbreviation so long?
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