we implemented a SpringContextDispatcher, which inherits from org.eclnt.workplace.WorkpageDispatcher and overrides the readObject-Method so that all Objects being read run through a Spring BeanPostProcessing.
Our class has a constructor and as soon as that constructor contains the following line:
... the UI Development tools do not show the Beans we have entered in the dispatcherinfo.xml. These Beans are in a different Package than Dispatcher and SpringContextDispatcher.
There exists a workaround to cope with this: Adding references to our beans in the project setup/configuration as additionalmanagedbean. If you do that, our Beans are shown in the Bean Browser, but instead of within, next to the Bean Browser (see workaround.jpg, the prefix "d." actually is written in the name attribute of the additionalmanagedbean tag).
Any hints to explain this behaviour are welcome.