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Messages posted by: rheinrichs  XML
Profile for rheinrichs -> Messages posted by rheinrichs [209] Go to Page: Previous  1, 2, 3 ... , 12, 13, 14 Next 
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Sorry, on Version 3.x it works fine.
Thx for supporting...!

we migrate to Version 3.x, but the problem still exists. (NPException)
Is it a bug, or only in combination with our style?

best regards

A table with sbvisiblemount 30 in a the componente "t:foldablepane" and height 150px has a suprising sizing.
a) there is no scrollpane
b) the screen "flip up" when clicking in the table

beste regards

After reload gui application the fond:
<param name="fontfamily" value="Arial">
is gone.

best regards

we set the following start parameter:
<param name="image" value="eclnt/images/xxxsplash.png">

The splashscreen doesn't changed.

best regards

We set the following parameters for sort icons in tables:
<param name="imagesortup" value="/images/sort_up.png">
<param name="imagesortdown" value="/images/sort_down.png">

after scaling the gui (config icon button right) the icons are icon setting is gone.

best regards

a) defining the styl-variant "def_def_keepall_default" doesn't work, the attribute height is not set.
b) defining the styl-variant "def_def_keepall_action" throws a NullPointerException in CC-editor.

best regards

additional to the existing tags “@@absfile@@” and “@@relfile@@” we need placeholder for "@@abspath@@" and "@@absdrive@@" (drive letter) to use a version control plugin.

best regards,

On dark background columns the sort triangle icon isn't visible.
Workaround is to change the icon on the server, but then the icon will be lose after update to a new cc-version.
Is it posible to configure the sort-icons in table columns?

best regards

after using the feature "initial sorting" we find out, that the icon of the initial sorting column left in the column after sorting another column.
For testing: The Demo Workplace has the same "feature"

best regards

for this release we will take the workaround (def_def_xxx) and migrate the style definition after changing to release 3.0

best regards

I try the feature of 14.12.2009 "Improvement – Style Editing via “styldef_xxx.jsp”
Doku: "If you now define the style variant as “def_keepall_<stylevariant>” then really ALL attributes that you define are taken over"

After setting the style-variant in my design JSP to "def_keepall_default", I got only a new style-variant "keepall_default", but the attribute "width" and "height" are not included.

Maybe a bug?

beste regards

this feature would by helpful for us, too.


the follwing Exception occurs:
Error when opening the code generator org.eclnt.editor.codegen.GenerationException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unknown token: 87

after the following steps:
- create a new managedbean,
- add the import statement:
import org.eclnt.workplace.*;
- try to reload this bean in gui-desginer.

A bean with this import-statement is not editable in gui-designer anymore.
Change the import-statement solve the problem, but to find the cause for this issue was nice. ;-)

while evaluating the enterprise client I find a good response time and the memory debugger doesn't indicate significant problems. But I'm only a single user!

Now I'm looking for project experiences.
Who has references of big deployment projects in action: usercounts, performance requirement, etc. Additional I'm interested in hardware sizing or tomcat-clustering with Captain Casa.

thx, best regards
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