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Messages posted by: slist  XML
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what I wanted to do today was a mechanism that saves data (=row) after deselection. That works (overriding onDeselect()).
But the border case in which my grid only holds one row makes some trouble (and probably when I 'leave the grid area', too)..

I set attributes flusharea and rowflusharea to true, avoidroundtrips to 1 and assigned an actionListener. Setters are called correctly (i.e. when my focus leaves the grid).
My expectation is that the actionListener is called afterwards, but obviously it is not. Did I miss something?

Thanks for your help and


PS: Still using v.5_0_20140217, hope it's got nothing to do with that...
So no increased interest on an upgrade (incl the DevTools) up to now?

Yes: We're planning an offline tool which is used in production and, of course, want to use Captain Casa capabilities. ;-) So it would be really helpful if the embedded mode supported Tomcat 7.

Since we plan the to use the offline client in production, another questions is: Will a Tomcat 7 (and embedded mode) be maintained in the future? (I think so, because the Dev-Tools use it?)
And: Is it possible to exchange the loaded libs of Tomcat, at least to switch between minor versions later?

I found a small bug: The Messages List states 'Mandatory attributes: timezone' although a timezone is set via style on an t:calenderfield. It is not impacting the work-flow, but I felt reporting this would be the only correct reaction. ;-)

BR + happy holidays!
I recently came across Google's libphonenumber (https://code.google.com/p/libphonenumber/). We already use it as part of server-side validation.
But the library also supports on-the-fly formatting. So my idea was that it would be cool to have a CC component which can do that and also (optionally) validates the entered number similar to the existing regex-checks.
You can test the abilities at http://libphonenumber.appspot.com/
The library is used as part of Android, so I think it is stable enough.

Since we actually don't need this in our project I currently can't play to build such a component myself. But I though that would be an interesting thing to have in CC. So, if you like that idea, I would be happy if gets integrated. But it doesn't matter if not.

for completeness:
I had a rather complex EL Expression (#{not empty d.bean.map ? "/pathA.png" : "/pathB.png"}) in a dynamic content setting. Since I was not getting this to work, I introduced a new "phantom" getter returning the path. This work-around works as expected.

is it possible for the attribute image of a tabbedpanetab to support Java Expression Language? I want to display an error icon when an error occured within that tab.

Thanks + BR
We have the strange behavior that the content (=container) of Foldable Panes disappears. This happens for example:
a) when clicking a button within the foldablepaneheaderrow
b) when using the Dropdown of a Combofield

It might have to do with the ActionListeners? But it also occurs with no bindings set.

More strange is the fact, that the icon showing the "opened status" still shows that the Pane is opened. Thus, you have to first "close" the pane before you can re-open it.

And even more interesting: The disappearing only happens once. After re-opening the pane, it will stay in our reality, as supposed.

I have attached a sample JSP as well as 2 screenshots (opened pane before and after clicking the button) for better understanding.

We have tested this behavior in the most current version. I hope you can reproduce the problem.

okay, the second signature has been removed now, but the JAR signer still complains about an invalid signature. Don't know why.

Yes, Java7_u25 in use. But
jarsigner: java.lang.SecurityException: invalid SHA1 signature file digest for org/jpedal/objects/PdfData.class

We use CC version 4_0_20130527.
thanks for the fast reply! But the JAR is a lib that CC uses. Thus, I cannot alter how it is signed. But right, it has two digests in the Manifest.mf file.
Nevertheless, jarsigner complains. Any idea how to convince the tool that the classes have a valid signature?

we accidentally found out, that the signed JAR jpedal.jar from the CC FX tools contains an invalid signature. You can verify this bis running
eclnt\libfx> jarsigner -verify -verbose jpedal.jar

My output was the following:
jarsigner: java.lang.SecurityException: invalid SHA1 signature file digest for org/jpedal/objects/PdfData.class

This would not be a huge problem right now, but some new tests in our build system failed because of the failing JAR verification.
Can you do something to get a properly signed JAR delivered alongside CaptainCasa?

Thanks a lot!

I stumbled upon the behavior of the Layout Editor in combination with a Maven-style project. In our project.xml we set

But now, when I reference a new resource, the editor will look for the properties file in a sub dir of src/main/java. But in a Maven project, one would place those bundles in src/main/resources.
Is there any possibility to change the path the Layout Editor is looking for resources?

we've got the same problem here. Obviously, defining a third radio button and setting its rendered attribute to false does not work here. (I assume that Swing cannot access the third button because it is simply not there?).
So is there another alternative? Our customer explicitly does not want to have a third NULL-radio button. :-/

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