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Style definition and style switches  XML
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Power User

Joined: 23/11/2007 09:00:08
Messages: 191

Hello Captain,

we are currently working on a new style for our product. First of all: Thank you for the possibility to define pages (styledef_xxx) where you can directly change the style and directly produce a style.xml. This feature could be improved to read exisiting style definition, so adjusting a current style does not mean to hack all the defintions from the current style into the new styledef_xxx page.

Until now, all color that we used in our application came from the background image. All other components were transparent, so that the color from the background was still more or less visible. The new design is slighlty different: We need to have color information in some components. For example the header of a foldable pane.

I know we talked about this feature on the last community event, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to define some kind of variables, so that we can define one style defintion holding all the information about the components, and in an extended style definition, just define the colors (or anything else) we want to change?

Another issues is switching the style at runtime. Is there a way to tell the components which are already rendered on client side to refresh the style definition?

Is there any possibility to access the style definition as defined in the sessiondefaults.xml? We are currently using some background images which change according to the style defined in the sessionsdefaults. But currently we don't know how to access this property so that we can adjust our style according to the default.


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

Hi Tobias,

some responses...

(1.) There is a reverse tool for producing a style page out of a style - please check change log of Dec 21st.

(2.) variables... I siltt would love to push this into "your" hands if possible. It is so simple to define ANT jobs and do replace on your own, and then you have the full freedom...

(3.) switching style - you can reload the client from the server. There is an API, please view the demo workplace#s demo for switching the style (OK, it's a bit hidden: Generals Issues > General Issues > Server Style & Language)

(4.) Please use the StyleManager.java-API for accessing style information at runtime

Hope, I covered all questions... (with (2.) you may not be tooo satisfied?)


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 23/11/2007 09:00:08
Messages: 191

Thank you for the quick response!

I will think about number 2.)...

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