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PIM like calendar in worplace environment  XML
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Power User

Joined: 30/01/2009 08:34:23
Messages: 750

Hi Captain,

as you already know I rebuild your PIM calendar in my application, I use the workplace environment. When I create a schedule in the CC Editor it works fine, but creating a schedule in the application shows no scheduleitem?
Debugging the app. leads me to the suspicion that it could be a problem with component binding!
When creating a schedule a SCHEDULEITEMComponentTag is created manually, the properties are binded with expression #{d.ScheduleUI.xxx, now I know that in workplace scenario there are sub dispatcher, could this be the cause for my problem?


Power User

Joined: 30/01/2009 08:34:23
Messages: 750

ok, after more debugging I found the solution by myself:
The problem was the sub dispatcher logic used within the workplace scenario.
To get the right subdispatcher I had to do the following:
String expressionBase = getWorkpage().getDispatcher().getExpressionBase().replace("}", ".");

The string contains now e.g. #{d.d_1. (for subdispatcher d_1), so I can concatenate this with the bean info => expressionBase + "ScheduleUI.xxx"

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