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Explicit Flush  XML
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Power User

Joined: 30/01/2009 08:34:23
Messages: 750


is it possible to start an explicit server roundtrip?

I have following scenario/problem.
I have a page A which has a rowinclude of page B.
Now I have a flag which is determined in the constructor of bean B, in this constructor I set this flag also in bean A.
Now this flag controls the rendering of some elements in page A.
So at the first time rendering page A, the flag is null and the elements are not rendered, afterwards the bean B is created, flag is set in A, but no roundtrip occurs so the elements still aren't rendered.

Maybe theres another way?


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5538

Hi Markus,

I assume the problem is that the beans are created in the rendering phase - when being accessed through the pages the first time. The rendering phase is definitely too late when it comes to beans influencing one another. You need to solve all the inter-bean-dependencies so that the rendering has some "solid and stable bean structure".

A "flush" from the client side would not help too much here: because then the page would require some more roundtirps in order to be shown to the user - and this is something, which needs to be avoided.

Maybe, this response does not respond 100% your issue... ??


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 30/01/2009 08:34:23
Messages: 750

Hi Björn,

you're absolutly right, but I find no better way to realize my dynamic structures.

I think we'Ve already discussed my problem in the past.
My wrapper page needs to know the bean instance which is created within the rowinclude in rendering phase. The solution (which works well) was that the "inner" bean sets a reference of itself to the wrapper page's bean which I can access through the dispatcher.

Now after creating the instance of the "inner" bean, the wrapper page should be rerendered?

I'm looking forward and try to solve the requirement a different way, thanx

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