uuuh, you are right: the TABBEDPANE-FONT attribute is not respected, but should be! Sorry... We will fix for next update (typically at Monday of a week).
Nevertheless: you may of course change by defining an own style (and maybe that's even the better way to do it, if you want to change it for all occurances of TABBEPAND).
In the style definition there are certain options:
1. Make big font bigger everywhere (TABEBDPANE, FOLDABLEPANE, ROWTITLEBAR, OUTLOOKBAR, ...):
<var n="@fontBigSize@" v="25"/>
2. Make big font bigger only for TABBEDPANE:
<class n="risctabbedpane">
<var n="@fontBigSize@" v="25"/>
Hope this helps... You may have no looked into the style management yet, so the XML-information might not help you immediately. The style management is described in the Developer's Guide.
Regards, Björn