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RISC upload translation needed  XML
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Power User

Joined: 08/05/2009 10:05:36
Messages: 209


our Dutch (and maybe Belgien) customer would like to have a translation within the upload dialog in RISC implementation:

"Select files for upload..." => "Selecteer de te importeren bestanden"
"Selected file(s)" => "Geselecteerd(e) bestand(en)"
"Clear list" => "Lijst leegmaken"
"Abbrechen" => "Annuleren"

Kind regards,
[Thumb - Download.png]
 Filename Download.png [Disk] Download
 Filesize 5 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  489 time(s)


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

Thanks a lot, I just took over.

If you find someone to complete the whole list of literals...:

         ctrl: "Ctrl",
         alt: "Alt",
         shift: "Shift",
         messageIncorrectValueReset: "Incorrect value \"${value}\" - the value is resest to its previous value.",
         hintIncorrectValueReset: "Format: \"${format}\"",
         hintFromIncorrectValueReset: "From value: \"${value}\"",
         hintToIncorrectValueReset: "To valuet: \"${value}\"",
         messageIncorrectValue: "Incorrect value \"${value}\" - please check.",
         ok: "OK",
         color_rgb: "RGB",
         color_red: "Red",
         color_green: "Green",
         color_blue: "Blue",
         color_hexcode: "Hex code",
         color_palette: "Palette",
         fileupload_clear: "Clear list",
         fileupload_clearFile: "Remove",
         fileupload_selectFiles: "Selecteer de te importeren bestanden...",
         fileupload_selectedFiles: "Geselecteerd(e) bestand(en):",
         fileupload_upload: "Importeren...",
         fileupload_cancel: "Annuleren",
         filechooser_clear: "Lijst leegmaken",
         filechooser_clearFile: "Remove",
         filechooser_selectFiles: "Selecteer...",
         filechooser_selectedFiles: "Geselecteerd(e) bestand(en):",
         filechooser_upload: "Take over",
         filechooser_cancel: "Annuleren",
         formatAdviceYear: "yyyy",
         formatAdviceMonth: "mm",
         formatAdviceDay: "dd",
         formatAdviceHour: "hh",
         formatAdviceMinute: "mm",
         formatAdviceSecond: "ss",
         copyToClipboard: "Use ctrl-c to copy the selected text into the system clipboard.",
         copyToClipboardTitle: "Copy to clipboard",
         today: "Today",
         todayShort: "Today",
         confirmExit: "Do you really want to exit this application?",
         controlButton: "Button",
         controlSingleTreeNode: "Tree node",
         controlSingleTreeNodeLevel: "Level",
         controlSingleTreeNodeStatus0: "open",
         controlSingleTreeNodeStatus1: "closed",
         controlSingleTreeNodeStatus2: "End node",
         zzzzz: "zzzzz"

...it would be 100% great, of course... ;-)

Regards, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 08/05/2009 10:05:36
Messages: 209

ctrl: "Ctrl",
alt: "Alt",
shift: "Shift",
messageIncorrectValueReset: "Foutieve waarde \"${value}\" - de vorige waarde wordt teruggezet.",
hintIncorrectValueReset: "Format: \"${format}\"",
hintFromIncorrectValueReset: "Van waarde: \"${value}\"",
hintToIncorrectValueReset: "Tot waarde: \"${value}\"",
messageIncorrectValue: "Foutieve waarde \"${value}\" - s.v.p. controleren.",
ok: "OK",
color_rgb: "RGB",
color_red: "Rood",
color_green: "Groen",
color_blue: "Blauw",
color_hexcode: "Hex code",
color_palette: "Palette",
fileupload_clear: "Lijst leegmaken",
fileupload_clearFile: "Verwijder",
fileupload_selectFiles: "Selecteer de te importeren bestanden...",
fileupload_selectedFiles: "Geselecteerd(e) bestand(en):",
fileupload_upload: "Importeren...",
fileupload_cancel: "Annuleren",
filechooser_clear: "Lijst leegmaken",
filechooser_clearFile: "Verwijder",
filechooser_selectFiles: "Selecteer...",
filechooser_selectedFiles: "Geselecteerd(e) bestand(en):",
filechooser_upload: "Opladen",
filechooser_cancel: "Annuleren",
formatAdviceYear: "yyyy",
formatAdviceMonth: "mm",
formatAdviceDay: "dd",
formatAdviceHour: "hh",
formatAdviceMinute: "mm",
formatAdviceSecond: "ss",
copyToClipboard: "Gebruik ctrl-c om de geselecteerde tekst in het systeem klembord te plaatsen.",
copyToClipboardTitle: "kopieer naar klembord",
today: "Vandaag",
todayShort: "Vandaag",
confirmExit: "Wilt u de applicatie afsluiten?",
controlButton: "Knop",
controlSingleTreeNode: "Tree node",
controlSingleTreeNodeLevel: "Niveau",
controlSingleTreeNodeStatus0: "open",
controlSingleTreeNodeStatus1: "afgesloten",
controlSingleTreeNodeStatus2: "Laatste node",
zzzzz: "zzzzz"

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555


you are my today's hero!

Thanks a lot! Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH
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