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Windows Terminal Server - Bypassing the Java Security Popup  XML
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Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555


does anyone have experience with managing the "Java Security Popup" (see attachment) in a Windows Terminal Server environment?

When opening a terminal session then the user always will be confronted with this popup, which is a bit annoying. The information that the user accepts the popup, is not stored permanently, because with a new terminal sesion, the system starts from the scratch.

Well...: internally there is a certificate added to the user's Java keystore. I have not managed so far to add a certificate to the system's keystore (which could/should be a solution for the problem).

So, if there is experience about this issue somewhere in the community, any hint is aprreciated... THANKS!

Regards, Björn

[Thumb - securitypopup.png]
 Filename securitypopup.png [Disk] Download
 Description Security Popup
 Filesize 24 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  499 time(s)

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 17/11/2008 21:19:41
Messages: 567


we often have this issue in citrix environments.

so first of it all, i guess Java, at least older version allowed to disable this check in java control panel.

a second solution would be to copy the keystore with correct certificate to:

a third solution is, to export certificate by keytool.exe and deliver it to clients by a group policy (GPO).

last solution we use is to execute following example batch script on logon:
keytool -importcert -file "exportedcertfile" -keystore "<USERHOME>\application data\sun\java\deployment\security\trusted.certs" -<storepassword, usally changeit> -noprompt

i guess there are even more solutions.

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