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Action listener for the "workpage selector"?  XML
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Power User

Joined: 06/08/2010 14:10:58
Messages: 50

Hello to every one

Here another question coming from a newbie

Exists there an action listener for the "workpage selector"?

I want to know when the user is pressing a "tab" given by a "workpage" which is already open.

I also know that there is the possibility to have a "WorkpageDefaultLifecycleListener" who offers several important methods:

"close()" ... let us know when the user is closing a "workpage".

"reactOnShownInContentArea()" ... let us know when the user jumps back into a "workpage" which is already open.

"reactOnHiddenInContentArea()" ... let us know when the user is switching to another "workpage" and current "workpage" gets hidden.

Thanks for your help in advance

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

Hi Patrick,

there is currently no event passed "to outside" when clicking onto a workpage-tab, that is currently active. But: it would be no problem to extend the WorkpageLifecycleListener by adding a method "reactOnReSelected" or something like that.

Would this be, what you are looking for?
(Of course I am interested: what do you want to do with this event...?)

Regards, Björn

PS: I see that the "Allerheiligen" seems to be a normal workday in Swizzerland! ;-)

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 06/08/2010 14:10:58
Messages: 50

Good morning Björn

Thanks four your fast response. At the moment we are still discussing some scenarios and therefore my question was coming up. I have first to discuss this internally and then I can give you an answer if there is maybe need for us to have such event possibility.

PS: Yes "Allerheiligen" is not an offical bank holiday here But next holiday is not so far away: x-mas time (juppie)

With best regards from Switzerland
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