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Power User

Joined: 22/01/2008 15:14:19
Messages: 47

Hi Björn,

in my bean i start an import-thread. I want to show in the bean the progress and the end of this thread (in some fields with counters). The import can call some bean-methods about an interface, but I do not see the new values in my jsp. If I click into a field the current values are collected from the server and shown in the jsp. So the user is waiting and waiting...
Is there any way to refresh the client from the server?? Or a timer for refreshing every xxx ms?
A Progress-Bar would be nice, too. If I start another thread, not even a hour-glass is shown.


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

Hi Antje,

you are perfectly right: because the processing is triggered in a different server thread (which is decoupled from the request thread) the results are not transferred to the client.

There is a possibility to do polling within a page - the problem: it is not yet documented. It is part of a framework that provides asynchronous eventing between parts of screens. We will add an example in the demo workplace for the next build (late today or early tomorrow).


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH
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