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Power User

Joined: 30/01/2009 08:34:23
Messages: 750

Would it make sense to add an attribute to the <onlinehelp> tag, for specifying a default language, if no directory for this certain language exists?


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5542


because there are many possibilities how to deal with online help, this is left open by providing interfaces:

This is the default implementation of IOnlineHelpProcessor2 interface:

 package org.eclnt.jsfserver.onlinehelp.defaultimpl;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.defaultscreens.ModelessPopup;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.defaultscreens.OnlineHelp;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.defaultscreens.ModelessPopup.IModelessPopupListener;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.onlinehelp.IOnlineHelpProcessor2;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.onlinehelp.OnlineHelpConfiguration;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.onlinehelp.OnlineHelpFactory;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.onlinehelp.IOnlineHelpReader.OnlineHelpText;
 import org.eclnt.util.log.CLog;
  * Online help processor that opens up a modal dialog in which a JBrowser
  * Component is loaded with a URL of the online help page.
 public class OnlineHelpProcessorJBrowser implements IOnlineHelpProcessor2
     ModelessPopup m_popup;
     public void processOnlineHelp(String helpId, String language, boolean refersToComponent)
         OnlineHelpText oht = OnlineHelpFactory.getReader().readOnlineHelpText(helpId,language);
         // calculate URL
         String url = OnlineHelpConfiguration.getContentDirectory();
         if (url == null)
             throw new Error("Online help is not configured yet: /eclntjsfserver/onlinehelp.xml, content directory not defined");
         if (!url.startsWith("/")) url = "/" + url;
         if (!url.endsWith("/")) url = url + "/";
         url = url + language + "/" + helpId + ".html";
         m_popup = ModelessPopup.createInstance();
         IModelessPopupListener mpl = new ModelessPopup.IModelessPopupListener()
             public void reactOnPopupClosedByUser()
         m_popup.open("/eclntjsfserver/popups/onlinehelpjbrowser.jsp","Online Help",400,300, mpl);
         if (refersToComponent == false)
         CLog.L.log(CLog.LL_INF,"Showing online help: " + url);

You can add "if's and then's" to this implementation and the register the interface in "eclntjsfserver/config/onlinehelp.xml".

Regards, Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH

Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5542

...forgot to add the code of OnlineHelpReader, fyi:

 package org.eclnt.jsfserver.onlinehelp.defaultimpl;
 import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
 import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.onlinehelp.IOnlineHelpReader;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.onlinehelp.OnlineHelpConfiguration;
 import org.eclnt.jsfserver.util.WebResourceReader;
 public class OnlineHelpReader implements IOnlineHelpReader
     public OnlineHelpText readOnlineHelpText(String helpId, String language)
         String contentdirectory = OnlineHelpConfiguration.getContentDirectory();
         String fileName = contentdirectory + language + "/" + helpId + ".txt";
         String content = WebResourceReader.readUTF8FileIntoString(fileName,false);
         if (content != null)
             return new OnlineHelpText("text/plain",content);
         fileName = contentdirectory + language + "/" + helpId + ".html";
         content = WebResourceReader.readUTF8FileIntoString(fileName,false);
         if (content != null)
             content = updateImageReferences(content);
             return new OnlineHelpText("text/html",content);
         fileName = contentdirectory + language + "/" + helpId + ".rtf";
         content = WebResourceReader.readUTF8FileIntoString(fileName,false);
         if (content != null)
             return new OnlineHelpText("text/rtf",content);
         return new OnlineHelpText("text/plain","No online help available for " + helpId + "/" + language);
     private String updateImageReferences(String html)
         // determine current host and current web app
         HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext
         String url = request.getRequestURL().toString();
         // <a href="http://yyy:yyy/yyy/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://yyy:yyy/yyy/</a>
         int indexFourthSlash = -1;
         indexFourthSlash = url.indexOf('/', indexFourthSlash+1);
         indexFourthSlash = url.indexOf('/', indexFourthSlash+1);
         indexFourthSlash = url.indexOf('/', indexFourthSlash+1);
         indexFourthSlash = url.indexOf('/', indexFourthSlash+1);
         String urlBase = url.substring(0,indexFourthSlash);
         html = html.replace("<img src=\"","<img src=\""+urlBase+OnlineHelpConfiguration.getContentDirectory());
         html = html.replace("<a href=\"","<a href=\""+urlBase+OnlineHelpConfiguration.getContentDirectory());
         html = html.replace("<IMG SRC=\"","<IMG SRC=\""+urlBase+OnlineHelpConfiguration.getContentDirectory());
         html = html.replace("<A HREF=\"","<A HREF=\""+urlBase+OnlineHelpConfiguration.getContentDirectory());
         return html;


Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH
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