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Server-log: cannot find what is being invoked  XML
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Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:49:18
Messages: 93

the server log contains many lines about each single request, but we are missing a line which tells what is actually being invoked. If I remember correctly such information was provided in earlier captain releases.

Currently we find one line containing
queueing new ActionEvent (invoke())

another line contains
executing ActionEvent (org.eclnt.jsfserver.elements.events.BaseActionEventInvoke) 

which is not very helpful.

There are other types of events like rowexecute(0,1) which show that an element in a list has been doubleclicked, and since lists do not occur very often, this allows to identify what was clicked. But for standard button events nothing helpful is shown to identify the function. It would be really helpful if the string behind this event (e.g. #{d.d_123.Bean.method} were logged as well. Similar output is provided for setting properties in the updateModelValues phase, although it only contains the last element of the access path which in our special case is also not really helpful since it mostly reads #value being a generic component, the complete path is e.g. #{d.d_123.Bean.wonderfulprop.value}, and we would be interested in 'wonderfulprop', also 'Bean', so why not log the whole path.
b.t.w. the same applies to the invoke problem, we also have a generic object here and the path reads #{d.d_123.Bean.coolmethod.clicked}, so the last element would always be "clicked".


Power User

Joined: 21/11/2007 12:23:06
Messages: 5555

...completely agree + no problem at all to add this as info message!

Is part of next update.

Thanks + regards! Björn

Björn Müller, CaptainCasa GmbH
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